
Showing posts from June, 2018

October Poem by Ryuichi Tamura (田村隆一) & The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot

Hello and welcome to The Young Reader’s Review! For those of you who do not know, about five months ago, I moved to the Land of the Rising Sun. To avoid getting carried away, I am going to keep it very simple by saying that it was a cultural shock. Also, considering that I have (finally) been disenthralled from any school-related constraints and that the Japanese tsuyu rainy season is upon me, it is safe to say that you might notice a slight peak in productivity on this blog (or the reviews will be (dangerously) more analytical and in depth, or I will spend the rest of the summer lying prostate on my bed eating ice cream). Anyway. Being a literary soul, one of the first things that piqued my interest in Japan was obviously literature and I couldn’t help but compare Japanese literature with the Western literature that I had known my entire life. My impressions as a foreigner of literature’s place in the Japanese society deserves an entire blog post to itself, but I will be tod...